Section Title

Policy and Procedures

Manual of Operation

Mission Statement


Congregational Meetings (from Bylaws)

Worship and Sacraments

Inclement Weather Policy

Nominating Committee


Finance Committee

Personnel Committee

Sexual Misconduct and Child Protection Policy

Human Resources Committee

Administrative Committee

Planned Giving/Endowment

Saint Matthew Perpetual Endowment Fund

Restricted Gift Policy




Building and Grounds


Security Issues








Ushering Instructions

Communion Instructions


Special; Services






Policies – Absences, Leave, Etc.

Sexual Misconduct/harassment Policy

Facility Usage/Calendar

Cancellation of Events

Security of Records

Manual of Operation

The Manual of Operations for St Matthew Presbyterian Church, Silver Spring, Maryland, documents the policies and procedures of the Church as adopted by the session.  These provide for the orderly governance and operation of the Church.


Mission Statement

We welcome all Christians to full participation in the St. Matthew community without regard to gender, race, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race, or cultural heritage.  



St Matthew Presbyterian Church shall be governed in accordance with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Governing Documents

  • Book of Order
  • Book of Confessions        
  • Articles of Incorporation  (use hyperlink)
  • Deed to Property  (use hyperlink)
  • Bylaws  (use hyperlink)

Congregational Meetings (from Bylaws)



1. There shall be a meeting of the congregation on the fourth Sunday in January for the transaction of all business properly coming before such meeting and on the third Sunday of May for the election of officers.

2.  Special meetings may be called by the Session or the Presbytery.  Such calls shall state clearly the purpose of such special meeting, and no other matter save that specified in the call may be considered.

3.  Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of all meetings of the congregation shall be given at least one week prior to the appointed time.

4.  The pastor, as Moderator of the Session, shall preside.  If the church is vacant or if the pastor and elders agree that the subjects to be discussed require it, or if the pastor is ill or is otherwise unable to be present, a pastor of the National Capital Presbytery shall be invited by the Session to preside.  This invitation shall be cleared through the Pastoral and Parish Relations Committee of the National Capital Presbytery.

5.  The Clerk of Session shall be secretary of the meetings of the congregation.  If unable to attend, the Session shall designate a secretary.

6. All confirmed members in good and regular standing shall be entitled to vote at congregational meetings.

7.  Voting by proxy is not allowed, because it is prohibited by the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.

8.         Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the General Rules for Judicatories adopted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) so far as they apply, and when they do not apply, according to usual legislative rules of order.

9.  All meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer.

10. A quorum shall consist of the moderator and one-tenth of the membership, but not less than twenty-five persons.

11. The budget shall be reviewed and received at the January meeting.  The report of the Nominating Committee shall be acted upon at the May meeting.

Worship and Sacraments

        Communion will be served on the following days:  the first Sunday of each odd numbered month, Palm Sunday, Worldwide Communion Sunday, Christmas Eve.  Members of Session, both active and inactive, shall be asked to serve Communion.  

Inclement Weather Policy

Nominating Committee


  1. Non-Session members of the Nominating Committee are elected at the Annual Meeting (4th Sunday in January, after worship service).  Three voting members and one alternate are elected.

  1. Two Session members are appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee at the February Session Meeting.

  1. The Nominating Committee usually convenes for the first time sometime between late February and mid-March.  The committee normally meets before or after church, for the convenience of the members.

  1. At the first meeting, the committee determines what positions need filling.  The first step is to look at who has expiring Session terms and if any are eligible to serve a second term.  If any are eligible to serve a second term, the committee  decides if they should be asked to serve again.  If the committee wants to invite anyone to serve a second term, those are the first people contacted.  At the first meeting the committee also decides a process for communicating as a committee and keeping the process moving, and lays out ground rules for the process (examples include keeping our deliberations confidential and not contacting a prospective candidate until the committee has agreed).  The committee also looks at committee positions (Endowment Board, Columbarium Board, Auditing Committee) that need to be filled.  

  1. After the committee knows if any Session members will serve second terms they know exactly how many elders must be recruited.  They also have an idea of what Commissions will need new leadership.  With that in mind, they start compiling a list of possible candidates.  Usually each committee member brings ideas for potential elders and puts the names forward.  They pay particular attention if several people raise a name of someone who may be a good candidate.

  1. Once the committee has several potential names, they begin ranking the candidates in order of priority (priority is determined by a number of factors: a person’s skills and interests, what the needs of the Session are, the perceived likelihood that the person will agree to serve, etc).  Different committee members volunteer to contact various candidates.  In order to not wind up with more candidates than we need, they communicate by email and phone, giving someone the “green light” to call the next person on the list if a candidate says no.  

  1. Once the contact process starts, they usually meet about every two weeks.  When a committee member contacts a potential candidate, they give the candidate a timeline (usually 2-3 days) to make a decision, so that the process can keep moving.

  1. As the elder positions fill, the committee also begins considering and contacting candidates to serve on the committees.  These positions usually are easier to fill than the elder positions.  

  1. The pastor provides a job description for Session Members that the candidates are given to read (and ask questions about) as they consider their decision.   The nominating committee members speak personally with the candidates about the expectations and the commitment required.  The pastor and the new elder also go over the job description during elder training.

  1. The congregational meeting for electing the new elders and committee members is held in late May or early June.  

  1. The pastor holds individual meetings with new elders for education and training over the summer.  Commissions that are changing leadership also have a transition meeting between the outgoing chair, the incoming chair, and the  Administrative Committee to pass on information and provide continuity.  Further training and group-building occurs at the Fall Session Retreat.

  1. New elders are ordained/installed and outgoing elders are recognized usually in mid-August, in preparation for the new program year beginning in September.    

  1. As the elder positions fill, the committee also begins considering and contacting candidates to serve on the committees.  These positions usually are easier to fill than the elder positions.  

  1. The pastor provides a job description for Session Members that the candidates are given to read (and ask questions about) as they consider their decision.   The nominating committee members speak personally with the candidates about the expectations and the commitment required.  The pastor and the new elder also go over the job description during elder training.

  1. The congregational meeting for electing the new elders and committee members is held in late May or early June.  

  1. The pastor holds individual meetings with new elders for education and training over the summer.  Commissions that are changing leadership also have a transition meeting between the outgoing chair, the incoming chair, and the  Administrative Committee to pass on information and provide continuity.  Further training and group-building occurs at the Fall Session Retreat.


The function of the Session, as the elected governing body of the congregation, is to lead the members to an understanding of the scope of its mission and acceptance of responsibility for it.

  1. The duly constituted shall be the governing body of St Matthew Church responsibility of its spiritual and temporal affairs.  It shall set broad outlines for all Commissions and Committees.

  1. The Session shall consist of fourteen Ruling Elders:
  1. Twelve Ruling Elders shall be divided into three equal classes, one class of whom shall be elected each year at a congregational meeting for a three-year term.

  1. Two Ruling Elders shall be elected from the high school youth of the church. Youth Elders shall be elected at a congregational meeting each year to serve for one or two year terms depending on their grade level when elected. The term will end when the youth has graduated from high school.

No Ruling Elder shall serve on the Session for consecutive terms, either full or partial, aggregating more than six years.  An Elder shall become eligible for re-election after one year has lapsed.

  1. Vacancies on the Session may be filled at the May congregational meeting or at a special congregational meeting as the Session may determine.

  1. The Session shall meet on a regular monthly schedule.  Special meetings may be called as required.

  1. The Pastor of the church shall be the Moderator of the Session.

  1. One Ruling Elder shall be designated as Clerk of the Session by the Moderator.  The Clerk’s responsibilities include assisting the Moderator in all Session functions, receiving and responding to all correspondence, recording the proceedings of all Session and congregational meetings, and maintaining the church membership rolls and official Minute Book.

  1. A Ruling Elder shall act as Chairperson or Co-chairperson of each of the eight Commissions.

  1. The Session shall also serve as a Board of Trustees and as such manage and conduct the affairs and business of the congregation.

Finance Committee

        The Finance Committee shall consist of a chairperson and two members appointed by the Session.  The Committee shall be responsible to the Session for coordinating and providing general administrative direction for all financial affairs.  The primary responsibility is the preparation and interpretation of the St. Matthew budget.  Other responsibilities include: review of the status of the budget periodically throughout the year and when requested by the Session; recommendations to the Session on the use of funds beyond those planned for in the budget; and the management of memorial gifts.

Commission Responsibilities

Budget Preparation Timeline

  1. June 1 – Email to pastor requesting the following announcement be made at the June Session Meeting.  Budget requests from each Commission chair are to be submitted to the Chair of the Finance Committee by July 31.
  2. July 1 – Request actual financial results for the first half from the Treasurer to be submitted to the Chair of the Finance Committee by July 31.
  3. July 15 – Email to Clerk of Session requesting that she email Commission chairs to remind them that proposed budgets are due to the Finance Committee chair by the end of July.  They should also be reminded that if they do not submit a budget, they will receive the current year’s budget.
  4. August 1 – Research Social Security tax, Presbytery cost of living guidelines, and per capita for the budget year.
  5. August 1 – Begin preparing proposed budget.  Any Commissions not submitting a request will receive their current year’s budget.
  6. August 15 – Complete proposed budget, including a forecast of the current year actual, and email to Pastor for discussion at end of August Session retreat.
  7. September 1 – Incorporate Session retreat input into the proposed budget.  The proposed budget will become the basis for the Stewardship campaign.
  8. Fall – Stewardship campaign
  9. Early January – When Treasurer closes the books, the cash carryover will then be available for incorporation into the budget.  Consult with Pastor as to how to present any excess or deficit.  The Session may need to provide input.  Must be flexible during this time period in working with the Pastor and Session in order to present a balanced budget at the congregational meeting at the end of January.

Budget Review

        The Finance Committee is always available for consultation and is willing to make recommendations when called upon the Session.  At each monthly meeting the Session reviews with the Treasurer the financial performance of St. Matthew.  If there are concerns, the Finance Committee should be notified for consultation.

Memorial Fund Management

        All Special Funds must be reviewed annually in February for activity.  Policy requires that these funds that are inactive for four years are to be identified to the Session and congregation.  If still inactive for another year the fund is to be disbursed equally to Unrestricted Gifts and Deferred Maintenance.  The Committee may make recommendations to the Session for disbursements other than those dictated by the Policy.

Inactive Special Funds

Policy adopted by the Session May 11, 2004

  1. Special funds that are inactive for 4 or more years are to be identified to Session and the Congregation as ‘inactive funds’.  If there is no action in the funds in the following 12 months, then the funds will be disbursed with half to the ’Unrestricted Gifts’ fund and half to ‘Deferred Maintenance’.

  1. The Gifts and Bequests Committee will inform all future designated gift donors of the inactive gifts procedure.


The Finance Committee will notify the Session in February each year of the status of each fund.

At the May congregational meeting for the election of officers, notification of inactive funds can be added to the agenda.

As the Gifts and Bequests Committee no longer exists, the Session must rewrite No. 2 in the Policy.

Credit Card Policy

St. Matthew will acquire three credit cards; one card to be in the possession of the Chairman of the Building and Grounds commission, the second card to be stored in the Church office under the responsibility of the Administrative Assistance, and the third card to be the responsibility of the Pastor.  

The following policy will apply to purchases made using any of these three cards:

Any purchases using the card greater than $300 requires the prior approval of the Chair (Elder) of the commission for whom the purchases are being made.  Tax exempt number should be attached (clipped) to each card.  A sign-out sheet will be maintained by each of the card holders to designate the dates and times that the card is in use by someone other than the cardholder.  In all cases a receipt much be obtained for all purchases made using the cards.  The receipts will be provided to the Administrative Assistant who will give them to the treasurer monthly.

The selection of the credit card will be the joint responsibility of the Treasurer and the Chairman of the Administrative Committee.  General guidelines are that the card should have no annual fee and offer a financial rebate.

Procedures for Collecting and Depositing the Sunday Offering

  1. Ushers upon taking the collection move the contents to an area for counting the loose cash.  This amount is re3corded on the slip of paper with the amount and date.  All cash and envelopes are then placed in zippered envelope bag.

  1. The offering envelope bag, containing the total offering of cash and envelopes, is given the Financial Secretary, or the designated backup.  It is never left at the church unattended.

  1. The Financial Secretary reconfirms the amount of loose cash and enters all individual contributions in the REALM Membership Plus computer program.

  1. Upon completion of the data input, the total cash including both loose and cash contributions in the envelopes and all checks are compared to the cash/check totals in the REALM Membership Plus computer program.

  1. Once the offering input is determined to be correct and complete, a deposit slip is completed and the money deposited in the Sandy Spring Bank St. Matthew Presbyterian Church account by the Financial Secretary or designated backup.

  1. A summary of contributions by fund;  i.e, pledge, non-pledge and other categories is then sent to the St. Matthew Treasurer.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee (PC) serves as an advisory committee to the Session and to the Pastor as head of staff in matters relating to personnel policies.  This committee shall consist of five to seven members appointed by the Session and shall include one ruling elder from the Worship Commission.  The Pastor shall attend all meetings of the Personnel Committee.

The PC members shall review the Pastor’s annual reviews of staff performance.

The PC shall serve as the initial grievance review board for all staff.

The Session is responsible for providing administration of the program of the church including employment of non-ordained staff, with concern for equal employment opportunity, fair employment practices, personnel policies and the annual review of the adequacy compensation for all staff, including all employees.

The administration of personnel matters at St Matthew Presbyterian Church shall be governed by the provisions of the St Matthew Personnel Policies Manual.  Specifically, the Session shall approve job descriptions, offers of employment, performance reviews and salary adjustments, suspensions, grievance decisions, and non-voluntary terminations.

Sexual Misconduct and Child Protection Policy

Sexual Misconduct and Child Protection Policy (Updated Fall 2016)

As an organization committed to developing strategies for the prevention of child abuse, the Session of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church (SMPC) is determined that any and all adults (employees and volunteers) who work with any child or children will be properly selected, screened, trained, and supervised to minimize the risk of child abuse.


The purpose of this policy is to prevent child abuse and protect members and staff of SMPC from wrongful allegations of child abuse, including sexual misconduct.  The policy is designed to protect both the potential victim and the potential accused person regarding the issue of abuse and sexual misconduct.


Sexual abuse or misconduct includes any sexual contact between:

A child or youth and an adult

An adult staff member and an adult church member

An older, more powerful youth or child and another-less powerful child

Sexual abuse can take the form of verbal interaction for the purpose of sexual stimulation, fondling, intercourse, incest and the exposure to/exploitation of child pornography and prostitution.

Any form of these behaviors is always considered forced when the interaction involves a child (anyone under the age of 18) and an adult, regardless of whether the victim has consented.  There is no such thing as consensual sex with a minor.


Paid and volunteer adults and youth helpers shall not touch or interact with children or youth in any way that is intended to be sexually stimulating.  Care must be taken that consenting adults do not act in a sexually stimulating way during any church activity.  Common expressions of affection (hugs), affirmation (pat on the back), support (prayer), or physical care taking (diapering, etc.) are appropriate in this community of caring Christians.  Care must be taken that physical expressions of affection are not excessive or imposed upon another individual.  This is true between adults and children or between two adults.

For the protection of children against abuse and the protection of adult volunteers from allegations of abuse, there should be a minimum of two adults in charge of any program or activity.  SMPC’s policy is to have two adults present at all activities.  However, an adult may work alone when there is visual access to the classroom (window, door with a window, or an open door).

An unaccompanied adult should not drive a child to or from a church-sponsored activity without the permission of the child’s parent or guardian.  When practical, parental permission should be obtained in writing.  We recommend that children and youth be transported in groups rather than alone.

Volunteers for church activities involving children, including church school teachers, must be members of St. Matthew for at least six months prior to volunteering, unless otherwise approved by the Session or the Commission Chair responsible for the activity.  We will have procedures in place to protect the children from improper behavior and adults from baseless allegations.


The Church school and youth programs are under the Supervision of the Program Commission.  In addition, leaders of SMPC activities will seek volunteers in sufficient numbers to allow staffing of the programs as stated above.  The staff of SMPC also participates in these programs and will be present at random times to help with supervision.  

Communication and explanation of this policy will be included annually in all training and orientation programs for education and youth volunteers, as well as during officer training events.  

This policy shall be made available to all church members and posted in the SMPC office.  A copy of the policy will be included in the New Member Packets.  The policy will be on the church’s website, and included in the church newsletter, with an explanation, once a year.

As a condition of employment and prior to any offer of employment, any staff member called and employed by SMPC after 10/1/97 will be required to state whether they have ever been convicted of a crime involving sexual abuse or misconduct or terminated from employment for sexual abuse or misconduct as defined in this policy.  All prospective employees of SMPC must undergo a background check into his/her arrest and Bureau of Vehicles records.  References will be asked specifically if the person seeking employment has ever been convicted of a crime involving sexual abuse or misconduct.

All employees are required to self-report any arrests, charges, and/or convictions related to controlled substances, sexual offenses, child abuse, or crimes of violence.  Failure to report would lead to disciplinary action up to and potentially including dismissal from employment.


The issues of sexual and /or emotional abuse or neglect involving a minor, whether perceived or actual, need to be dealt with immediately, effectively, and with great discretion.  Maryland law requires that allegations of abuse or neglect of children be reported immediately to the proper authorities.  In Montgomery County, that report is made to Child Protective Services at 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown, MD 20874 or at the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (240-777-4417).  It is the responsibility of the Pastor and/or the Director of Youth Education and Outreach to see that such a report has been made.  It is recommended that in every case of alleged abuse or neglect of a child that St. Matthew’s Administration Committee chair contact and involve our liability carrier, verify that Child Protective Services has been notified, and that the proper written documentation of the allegations and proceedings has been maintained.

The intended procedure is to report any allegation of abuse or neglect to the Pastor, Director of Youth Education and Outreach, and/or the Clerk of Session.  Any allegations will immediately be reported to Child Protective Services and National Capital Presbytery.  If the alleged offender is a professional staff member, the report should be made to the Clerk of Session.  In the specific case of the complaint being made against any ordained minister, the Clerk of Session should notify the General Presbyter and the Stated Clerk of National Capital Presbytery and request guidance on the procedure to be followed in processing the allegation and obtaining a Moderator for the Session.  The Clerk shall also notify the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk if allegations have been raised against a member or a non-ordained staff person.  

The Clerk, the Pastor and any other elders designated by the Session will be responsible for maintaining contact with the police, the victim’s family, and for determining further actions in consultation with the Session.

Adopted by the Session on_____________________

I have read and understand this policy.  I agree to abide by it.

Volunteer’s Name_____________________________________



Human Resources Committee

St. Matthew Presbyterian Church Human Resources Committee

Purpose Statement:

Create and maintain a foundation which will enable St. Matthew Presbyterian Church to promote the development, the involvement, and the retention of its employees.


  1. Ultimate decision making authority for all matters shall remain with the Pastor and/or the Session.

  1. Review employee job descriptions and employment contracts and make recommendations for revision if needed.

  1. Receive and review applications for employment. Assist the Pastor in the selection individuals to be interviewed by Pastor or other responsible individuals. Advise on testing or screening procedures to be conducted as part of the interviewing process. Testing shall not to be conducted by Human Resources Committee.

  1. Assist the Pastor in creating personnel files, and establish a protocol for maintaining those files while at the same time ensuring confidentiality of those files.

  1. When an employee is to be terminated by the congregation, assist the Pastor or other responsible individual in preparing the necessary documentation and acting as a resource to ensure the termination process complies with the congregation’s obligations as an employer.  Federal, state and local employment law must be upheld.

  1. Act as a resource for the Pastor in Human Resource matters, and as a liaison between the congregation and its employees. Advise the Pastor on changes in labor laws.

  1. Work with the Session in the wisdom of the Church to assist in the discernment of various staffing issues.

  1. Coordinate the process of periodic performance reviews if the Pastor considers such reviews to be necessary or advisable. The Human Resources Committee will not be responsible for actually conducting such reviews. The reviews shall be conducted by the Pastor. The Human Resources Committee will establish procedures for such reviews.

  1. Conduct the annual performance review of the Pastor.

  1. Meet with the Pastor and St. Matthew employees periodically or as considered necessary in order to discuss any Human Resources concerns.

  1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Pastor on policies on human resources issues that the Pastor can apply in individual cases.

Coordinate with the Pastor, the Finance Committee, and the Session to provide advice and recommendations as appropriate regarding compensation issues

Administrative Committee

The Administrative Committee was established by the Session in June 2012, with the objective of serving as a focal point for the administrative activities of St. Matthew.  The Committee reports to the Planning Commission.  The Committee is responsible for activities that include cross-cutting functions (affecting multiple commissions), functions which have not been previously assigned to a commission or committee, or functions that are the current responsibility of a commission but which have a low priority responsibility since they are not central to the immediate concerns of that commission.   With these criteria in mind, the Administrative Committee has been organized into subcommittees, each of which has accepted responsibility for one of the functions.


During the past year, the subcommittees have continued to make significant progress in many areas.  This progress is summarized below.


Insurance and Risk Management Program


It is mandatory that the comprehensive insurance coverage maintained by the Church be reviewed periodically to ensure that persons and facilities are adequately covered and that the Church has lived up to its responsibilities as defined by the policy.  As a result of this review, the committee has dealt with a number of issues including unauthorized access to church property, reviews of church policy related to Christian education, risk management, and monitoring of other activities to ensure compliance with the terms of our policy.  


The risk management subcommittee has focused on the scheduling of periodic fire drills, as required by the Church’s insurance policy.


Asset Depreciation Program


In 2013, an estimate was made of the anticipated expenses associated with major repairs or replacement of critical equipment and facilities.  The subcommittee has continued to update the asset depreciation plan to ensure adequate funds are available to cover the costs of major expenditures associated with the upkeep of church facilities.  In part, due to their efforts, the heating and air conditioning systems of the sanctuary were replaced without requiring additional contributions from the congregation or the operating budget.  Working with Buildings and Grounds and other commissions as well as the Session, the Administrative Committee continues to provide the Church’s leadership with the information needed to make decisions regarding appropriate funds for major expenditures.




The St. Matthew website is useful both for attracting new members, and as a rich source of information to existing members.  During 2016 the new website was completed.  All members of St. Matthew can be proud of the result which is a modern presentation of the many facets of the church.  Committee members continue to update the website to ensure that both the congregation and visitors receive current information (including samples of the Pastor’s sermons) on the activities of the church.


Policies and Procedures


Much of the corporate memory of St. Matthew is embodied in its policies and procedures.  Policies might include such things as the requirement for an annual fire drill and the manner in which the church credit card is utilized.  Procedures might include ushering procedures and updates to the church calendar, as well as the ongoing activities of the commissions and committees.  During 2016, the formal documentation of these procedures has continued including interviews with session members and reviews of existing documentation.  This extensive effort will continue during 2017.


Information Technology Policy


During 2016, a subcommittee led by Chad Whaley performed an initial investigation of the Church’s computer equipment.  A plan for its upgrading was developed that will be implemented during 2017.  This work includes replacement of much of the existing computer equipment and the installation of a standardized set of software.  Also during 2016, Google Drive was installed to permit the creation and sharing of documents among the administrative staff.  During 2017, investigation of the IT facilities of the church will continue, to ensure that we are making the best use of available technology.  


Member Database


Basic member information such as name, street address, phone number and email address is required to support multiple activities within the Church including the newsletter, general mailings, the phonebook, updates to church activities such as inclement weather closings, participant lists for the choir, commissions, children activities, etc.  The member database was completed during 2015.  Through the efforts of Paul Neal, this comprehensive database now includes information on all members with accompanying photographs.  The database has matured to the point at which it is routinely used for communicating with members, and as an on-line directory.  It represents one of the most successful activities of the Administrative Committee.


Concluding Remarks


The accomplishments described here could not have been developed without the active and enthusiastic support of the members of the Administrative Committee.  They are to be commended for their hard work.


Members proposed by Nominating committee and elected by congregation

Planned Giving/Endowment

Saint Matthew Perpetual Endowment Fund

The Saint Matthew Perpetual Endowment Fund was established in 2001 for the purpose of receiving gifts, providing investment management of these funds, and earning an income for the ministry of the church, but not to support the annual operating budget.

The Endowment is managed by five Trustees, two Session members appointed by the Session and three St. Matthew members elected by the congregation.  The term of the Session members is for his or her Session term, and the congregationally elected Trustees serve a term of three years.  Trustees elect their officers from their body with the exception of secretary and treasurer.  The trustees may elect the secretary and treasurer, who will have no voting privileges, from the congregation membership for a term of three years.

The Trustees will have its annual meeting in November to review the annual report, accept the annual financial report, review the portfolio and its performance, and develop the recommendation to the Session of the prior year’s (fiscal year ends September 30) income.  Special meetings will be called by the chairperson during the year when economic or market conditions dictate.  

The interest and dividends received by the Endowment will be distributed annually to causes chosen by the Trustees and approved by the Session.  Capital gains will be retained as part of the Endowment’s capital.  Capital will only be disbursed in the case of restricted gifts for a purpose such as a Buildings and Grounds future improvement.  Restricted gifts are subject to the Policy adopted by the Trustees on February 15, 2015.

The Trustees have the responsibility to promote the Endowment, the contributions it makes to worthy causes, and the necessity to build its corpus.  In order to accomplish this goal, educational and awareness events are the responsibility of the Trustees to plan and execute.  The chairperson will call meetings when required for its annual promotional campaign.

Restricted Gift Policy

Adopted February 15, 2015

  1. A restricted pool of funds will be established for the maintenance and improvement of Buildings and Grounds and a restricted pool of funds will be established for maintenance and improvement of the work of the Worship Commission.
  2. A gift of any size may be a restricted gift.
  3. The monies contributed will be commingled with the general funds of the Perpetual Endowment Fund.  However, if the funds exceed $15,000, at the discretion of the Trustees the restricted pools may be invested separately from the monies of the general fund of the Perpetual Endowment Fund.  Likewise, should the value of a fund fall to $15,000 or below, the Trustees, at their discretion, may eliminate separate investment and management and commingle the remaining monies with the general fund of the Perpetual Endowment until such time as the Fund exceeds $15,000.
  1. Both annual income and the corpus of these restricted funds would be available for the purposes of the restricted fund.
  2. However, annual income need not be spent for the purpose of the restricted fund.  All income could be reinvested.
  1. The Trustees will consider accepting a gift that would provide a more narrow restriction or another broad category other than those stated above subject to
  1. As provided in the by-laws, the Trustees are not obligated to accept and manage a restricted gift if the Trustees conclude the restriction is too narrow.  The Trustees intend to work with any such potential donor to craft a gift that both honors the donor’s intent but would also provide future Trustees flexibility in determining the ultimate use of the invested monies.
  2. The gift will only be separately invested and managed with income and changes in asset value accruing to the fund if the gift exceeds $15,000.
  3. If the gift that would be so restricted is $15,000 or less, the monies will be commingled with the general fund.


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The Auditing Committee shall consist of a chairperson, two members and an alternate member elected by the congregation, with a slate to be proposed by the Nominating Committee.  The Committee shall serve for a period of one year and shall, at the close of the year, conduct an audit of the financial records of St. Matthew Church.  The Committee shall also certify the accuracy of all financial reports prepared for the church members during the Committee’s term.  No member of the Committee shall be a member of the Session for the year of office.

The committee should meet at the end of church year to conduct the audit.  The audit committee result is reported to the congregation at Annual Meeting in January.  


Building and Grounds

The Commission on Buildings and Grounds: shall adpastor the Church’s concern for orderly care and development of its physical properties and corporate affairs.  Its responsibilities shall include:

(1) Maintenance and upkeep of all church property including custodial help and church supplies.

(2) Procurement of adequate property and liability insurance.

(3) Use of church facilities.

(4) Preparation of a long-range plan (3-5 years) for major maintenance activities to the physical plant of St. Matthew Church.


Policy:         St. Matthew Presbyterian Church will make its facilities available for rental to church members and outside groups.  Rental of facilities for a community function with St. Matthew member sponsorship is at the discretion of the Session and church staff.  Facilities may be used for social events by St. Matthew members or other persons sponsored by a St. Matthew member.  


  1. The church office must be contacted to arrange date(s) for the event(s).

  1. Dates are available for the facilities on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. The St. Matthew's administrative assistant will coordinate the rental agreement set up.

  1. The church administrative assistant will discuss with the potential lessee the guidelines and fees for using church facilities.

  1. A signed rental agreement is needed to confirm a date(s).

  1. A $200.00 refundable security deposit is required with the signed rental agreement.

  1. The persons renting the church facilities will be shown which area(s) of the church they are renting.

  1. When the required security deposit is paid and the lessee signs the agreement, the church administrative assistant will sign the agreement.

  1. The pastor will review the agreement and give final approval for the use of the church facilities.

  1. The event (name and place) will be registered on the official church calendar.

  1. No alcohol is permitted on the church property.  Smoking is permitted outside buildings at a minimum of 20 feet from any building entrance.

  1. The lessee is responsible for any damages to the church facilities and grounds.

  1. A church representative will come to the church and inspect the facility for cleanliness and any damage incurred. All social events will end at 10:30 PM.

  1. The Planning Commission will review the fee schedule and recommend changes to the Session of St. Matthew on an annual basis.

  1. Any exceptions to this policy and procedure must be approved by the Session.


Policy:         St. Matthew Presbyterian Church will make its facilities available for rental to church members and outside groups.  Rental of facilities for a community function with St. Matthew member sponsorship is at the discretion of the Session and church staff.  Facilities may be used for social events by St. Matthew members or other persons sponsored by a St. Matthew member.  


  1. The church office must be contacted to arrange date(s) for the event(s).

  1. Dates are available for the facilities on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. The St. Matthew's administrative assistant will coordinate the rental agreement set up.

  1. The church administrative assistant will discuss with the potential lessee the guidelines and fees for using church facilities.

  1. A signed rental agreement is needed to confirm a date(s).

  1. A $200.00 refundable security deposit is required with the signed rental agreement.

  1. The persons renting the church facilities will be shown which area(s) of the church they are renting.

  1. When the required security deposit is paid and the lessee signs the agreement, the church administrative assistant will sign the agreement.

  1. The pastor will review the agreement and give final approval for the use of the church facilities.

  1. The event (name and place) will be registered on the official church calendar.

  1. No alcohol is permitted on the church property.  Smoking is permitted outside buildings at a minimum of 20 feet from any building entrance.

  1. The lessee is responsible for any damages to the church facilities and grounds.

  1. A church representative will come to the church and inspect the facility for cleanliness and any damage incurred. All social events will end at 10:30 PM.

  1. The Planning Commission will review the fee schedule and recommend changes to the Session of St. Matthew on an annual basis.

  1. Any exceptions to this policy and procedure must be approved by the Session.


SANCTUARY                        (200 people max)

                                        Church Members                Others

        Wedding                                 $150                        $300

Rehearsal                                $  25                        $  75


        Concert/Other                                $150                        $300


COMMONS BUILDING        (200 people max)

SINGLE CLASS ROOM                         $  20                        $  40                        

MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM                        $200                        $400        

(configuration/set up included)

AGNES WILSON ROOM                (30 people max)

                                                $  30                        $  60


                Less than 15 people                $  10                        $  20


More than 15 people                $  20                        $  40                

Security Issues 

A question was raised at the February Session meeting concerning security on the church grounds. This included the buildings while occupied during the week or church worship services and Sunday school. The chances of a problem occurring is slight.  

The Planning Commission has reviewed the concern. The following are the recommendations to the Session for consideration.

  1. Inform the congregation to be aware of their surroundings and be tuned in to what is happening; and
  2. The lead elder for worship could stand watch with a cell phone the narthex doors after initial worship duties are completed.

The Commons and North Building would be alerted by the person with the cell phone to make sure the Sunday school population is protected to the fullest extent possible or informed about an emergency occurring on the property.

Other considerations discussed were:

  1. One of the ushers could be armed with a cell phone and periodically check the grounds from the narthex doors; or
  2. Enlist the help of the Seventh Day Adventists to man the narthex during our worship service; or
  3. One of the ushers could be armed with a cell phone and  be stationed by the doors of the narthex; or
  4. Develop a team of members to perform the functions listed above.


The Commission on Evangelism: shall develop and coordinate an intensive program for contact and welcome of people into the church.  Its responsibilities shall include:

        (1) Training of members to give witness outside the church.

        (2) Preparation of materials to be left with prospective members.

        (3) Advertising to create community awareness of the Church.

         (4) New membership orientation including the conduct of orientation meetings.


The Commission on Ministry:  shall develop and coordinate an intensive program to encourage closer fellowship and to promote mutual understanding among the members of the church.  Its responsibilities shall include:

        (1) Maintenance of membership information including talent and interest files.

(2)  Informational matters such as the newsletter and the upkeep of the bulletin board.

(3) Social gatherings within the church family and the fellowship hour following the Sunday Service.

(4)  Investigation of new activities as needed to encourage every member participation.

(5)  Contact with members at home and away from home.



Policy and Procedures for St. Mathew Presbyterian Church Mission Commission

The Commission on Mission: shall encourage extension of the church’s concern for other people, awaken the congregation to the needs of the local community, and foster participation in the larger mission of the Church.  Its responsibilities shall include:

        (1) Study of the community.

        (2) Social action to remove the causes of suffering.

        (3) Social service to help those broken by suffering.

        (4) Encouragement of ecumenical sharing among the churches.

        (5) Annual review and dissemination of General Assembly Pronouncements.

        (6) Liaison and commitment to particular mission projects.

The activities of the Mission Commission center around two primary areas; financial support and continuing education/involvement/discussion opportunities.

  1. Financial Support for various charities through PCUSA and our own independent giving.
  1. PCUSA giving
  1. Annual special campaigns
  1. Great Hour of Sharing
  2. Next one
  3. Next one
  4. Next one
  1. Portion of our annual contribution goes to denomination wide goals
  1. St. Mathew Giving
  1. It is important to point out that this represents 7.2 percent of the current budget
  2. Current recipients of donations include
  1. IW Emergency Assistance
  2. Interfaith Works
  3. Mid-County United Ministries
  4. Linkages to Learning
  5. International Planned Parenthood
  6. Shepherd’s table
  7. St. Matthew Food Closet
  8. United Mission
  9. Coalition for the Homeless
  10. Mission Trip
  11. Children / Youth Community Program
  12. Covenant Network
  13. Rainbow Shelter
  14. Embangweni Hospital
  15. University of Livingstonia
  16. Mission/Pastor Discretionary distributions (2.8 percent of current budget)
  17. See current budget for amounts
  1. Christmas Special Offerings
  1. PIGS
  2. Remembering Caring and Sharing
  3. Alternate Giving Pogram

  1. Education/Discussion opportunities
  1. Previous presentations have included
  1. First Aid class
  2. Discussion of Islam with the xxx mosque
  3. Discussion of Isreal with Knisset member xxx
  1. Policies and Procedures to effectuate the above should include:
  1. Financial distributions to St. Mathew Priorities
  1. For current recipients the commission should annually discuss and review those groups on the list.  This could include:
  1. Research into the groups activities
  2. Discussions with those church members most closely involved in those groups
  1. Occasionally the commission will receive requests for temporary or permanent additions to the list.
  1. All contribution requests will be evaluated with the Church’s mission statement in mind.  Discussion and consideration will be given to the alignment of the group’s mission with the Church’s and the goals of the congregation.
  2. Additions should be vetted by the commission with the church member requesting the contribution providing information to the commission regarding the group’s / organization’s mission and efficiency.
  3. Once this has been reviewed the commission will discuss and decide on whether the group will be added to the list.  This addition will be presented to the session by the mission commission chair for discussion and their input.
  1. Discretionary distributions – St. Mathew maintains a discretionary budget for local occasional needs within the church community or within the local community
  1. These requests are most often received directly by the pastor where the initial vetting occurs
  1. Initial vetting includes
  1. Determination of the level of need
  2. Determination of the repetition rate of the need
  3. Discussion of long term versus short term need
  4. Discussion of the person’s relationship to the church
  1. The pastor determines to present the request to the commission
  1. Presentation occurs either through email or at the monthly meeting
  2. The commission will notify by roll call or discussion pastor of concurrence
  1. The church secretary will keep a log of recipients of disbursements
  2. Large disbursements ($1,000) will be presented to the session either through email or at the monthly meetings
  3. Repeat disbursements will be presented to the session either through email or at the monthly meeting
  1. Topics for quarterly discussions/education meetings
  1. The mission commission will discuss topics for the occasional education offerings with the focus being on:
  1. social justice issues
  2. Topicality
  3. Local out reach
  4. Church member interest
  1. The commission will consider all suggestions from the congregation, pastor and church staff
  2. The mission commission will direct the meetings with help of volunteers within the church


The Commission on Planning shall make recommendations to the Session to assist it in evaluating the programs of the church in terms of accomplishments in the overall mission of the church.

Its responsibilities shall include:

  1. Reviewing the responsibilities of all Commissions
  2. Development of long-range plan to be incorporated in the annual report specifying the goals and desires of the St Matthew congregation.  The plan shall be reviewed for appropriateness on an annual basis and revised no less frequently than biannually if deemed appropriate.  (St Matthew Bylaws)

Commission Responsibilities

A Commission Chairperson is appointed from the Session.

The chairperson shall contact current members to see if they wish to continue service.

New members should be recruited from recommendations from current members and the Pastor.  The group should then meet and determine a schedule of meetings for the year.

Commission members review current long-range plan and discuss progress toward goals and ways to keep track of progress.  They should meet with each Commission chairperson to determine progress on LRP in the past year.  They should review the annual report for further information about each Commission’s achievements.  Planning Commission should confer with  each Commission when reminders are necessary concerning goals.

In the final year of the five-year plan LRP Commission must lay out plan to renew the process.  There should be a discussion of future needs of the church.  

Things to take under consideration in making a five-year plan:


  1. Makeup of the church
  2. The demographics of the area
  3. The environment
  4. Church finances
  5. Areas of concern (questionnaires & reports)
  1. Social needs
  2. Environmental needs
  3. Facilities needs
  4. Educational needs
  5. Business of the church needs
  6. Mission needs
  7. Diversity concerns

Decide what tools are needed in fact finding to prepare the plan.

(ie, Questionnaires, Time and Talent Survey)

Keep open lines of communication with the Administrative Committee



The Commission on Stewardship shall propose ways for the church to achieve the level of congregational commitment that is necessary to support growth for the programs of the local and larger church.  This commitment includes time, talent, and financial giving needed for the total work of the church as developed by the General Assembly, Synod, Presbytery and Session.  Its responsibilities shall include:

  1. To work with the Mission and Evangelism Commissions to present a continuing program of stewardship education for members and friends of St. Matthew Church.
  2. Conducting the annual Stewardship Campaign.

Commission Responsibilities

A Ruling Elder shall be appointed annually each June by the Moderator and approved by the Session to chair the Commission.  During the summer the Chairperson will assemble the membership of the Commission in order to be ready for the Fall stewardship season.  Terms of the members of the Commission are unlimited.

At the August Session retreat, the Session will review and modify the operating budget prepared by the Finance Committee.  The resulting budget will be used to establish the giving guidelines that the Stewardship Commission will use for the Fall Stewardship Campaign.  Early in September the Commission will develop the campaign theme, and work on the methods of communication to the congregation.  Regardless of the theme used, it is important to communicate that it does require adequate funding to operate the church.  The stewardship campaign will end on November’s Dedication Sunday when pledges will be returned as part of the morning service.  There will be pledges that have not been received by then, so the members of the Commission will be responsible to contact those individuals.

Occasionally there are fund drives for specific purposes.  These drives are often performed by another group, but the Session must approve the drive and Stewardship will assist if requested.

Stewardship is not limited to the Fall campaign season.  As the by-laws state, the Commission should collaborate with other Commissions to educate and develop opportunities for stewardship.  The use of time and talent is of vital importance to be good stewards of our resources.


The Commission on Christian Education and Programs: shall develop and oversee the educational program of the church and encourage growth in knowledge, belief, and understanding of all ages.  It shall emphasize the role of Christian discipleship in establishing meaning and significance for persons throughout all developmental stages of life.  Its responsibilities shall include:

(1) Determining supervisors for the church school to organize and monitor Sunday morning classes for children and youth.

(2) Establishing leadership training and the use of other resources for church school      teachers and programs leaders.

(3) Forming youth fellowship meetings and activities.

(4) Scheduling Confirmation classes.

(5) Encouraging ongoing adult seminars, study, and discussion groups.

(6) Assisting the organization of the Presbyterian Women.

(7) Providing other educational resources.


The Commission on Worship and Music: shall be concerned with all aspects of the Church’s worship services.  It responsibilities shall include:

        (1) Utilizing ushers, choirs, organ, and piano.

        (2) Scheduling and adpastoring the Sacraments.

        (3) Study of forms of liturgy and worship.

        (4) Planning and scheduling of all services, regular and special.

        (5) Arranging for speakers during the Pastor’s study leave and vacation.

Ushering Instructions

Revised February 2014

Ushering is an important responsibility.  Particularly when it comes to following the emergency evacuation procedures provided at the end of these instructions.  This is not a difficult assignment if the following simple instructions are used.

  1. Arrive at church 20-30 minutes prior to the beginning of the worship service.  Put one offering plate on piano for the choir.  Pick up before service begins.

  1. Turn on lights if not already on, include lights for the back stairs of the Sanctuary.  

  1. Check that hymnals and bibles are properly placed in the racks on the backs of the pews, and evenly distributed among back section, side chairs and front pews.  Also check that there are offering envelopes in each of these racks.

  1. Obtain ushering supplies from the following locations:

  1. Offering plates are in the small table by the back stairs in the Sanctuary.
  2. The closet to the left of the doorway leading to the furnace room contains all of the remaining supplies including sign-in pads, and extra offering envelopes.
  3. The bulletins to be distributed for the worship service are usually placed on the table in the Narthex.  If they are not there, they can be picked up in the church office.  Note that there is a slip of paper clipped to the bulletins that must be used to count the total attendance at the service.  

  1. Prior to the beginning of the service, the ushers (assuming that only two have been scheduled) should identify a third person to assist them with collecting the offering. (step 11)

  1. The bulletins are distributed by the ushers prior to the service.  One usher should stand on the landing and the second usher should stand at the back stairs of the Sanctuary in order to distribute bulletins to those coming up the back stairs and those entering through the doors at the top of the ramp.

  1. At the start of the service, the usher at the landing will close the doors at the bottom of the stairs, he/she will then sit on the choir side of the Sanctuary and the other usher will remain by the back stairs.  The usher on the choir side will have 7 registration pads ready to pass out.  The usher by the back stairs will have 9 registration pads ready.

  1. There will be a continuous flow of late-comers during the service.  The ushers should attempt to direct these individuals to available seating in a manner that avoids disturbing the worship.

  1. Registration sign-in sheets should be distributed to the congregation by the ushers from the outside aisles when the announcement is made from the pulpit.

  1. After children leave the service, count the total number of worshippers in attendance and enter this number on the sheet that was attached to the bulletins (step 4c).  A separate count will be done of the Sunday School (SS), recorded on brown SS envelope with offering.

  1. At the appropriate time during the service the two ushers plus the third usher will pass the offering plates.  The plates are passed by the usher in the middle aisle to the outside ushers stationed at the ends of the aisle.  As the plates are received by the respective ushers, they are given to the next row of pews.  Do not need to pass to choir (step 1)

  1. When the offering has been collected stand at the back of the middle aisle until it’s time to walk down the aisle for the Pastor’s blessing.  Then bring the plates downstairs and deposit their contents into the green pouch on the table in the choir room, next to the nursery.  Leave envelopes unopened, count loose change, and leave SS brown envelope unopened.  Put all into the green pouch along with the slip with loose change count recorded. This should then be given to the financial secretary (either Glenda or Terry DeJong) at the conclusion of the service.

  1. At the conclusion of the service collect the sign-in pads.  The sheets that have been signed should be removed from the pads and given to Nancy Zaharko or taken to the office along with the sheet containing the total number of worshippers (step 10).  Faith and Thecla have been taking on the responsibility of the registration pads.  Please help them when needed.  Ushers return the box of registration pads to the furnace room.

  1. Your job is now completed, except that at the end of the service, the church should again be straightened up.  Bibles and hymnals should be returned to their proper locations, and any paper and other discarded items should be removed from the pews and the chairs at the back of the church.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures:  It is the USHER’S responsibility to provide leadership in the event of an emergency that requires evacuation of the congregation and response of emergency services.  The following points are general responsibilities of the ushers.  The final set of pages contains the detailed instructions.

  1. Ushers should review the evacuation procedures attached to these instructions and familiarize themselves with their content.

  1. First and most important, ushers are responsible for contacting first responders by calling 911 on either their cell phones or the telephone in the kitchen by the Narthex.  

  1. It is the usher’s responsibility to inform the congregation of the appropriate exit to use in the event of an emergency evacuation

  1. Ushers should provide assistance to those with disabilities who have may have trouble reaching their assigned exit

  1. Ushers may also activate the fire alarm located to the left of the entrance doors.

  1. In the event of a fire or other emergency in the Sunday school, ushers should be notified by the teachers.  The procedure for this eventuality is also described below.

  1. Ushers may set off the fire alarm in the Narthex to the left of the front doors.  This action could be taken to notify everyone in the vicinity of the alarm of the presence of a fire.  


Coffee Hour


Communion Instructions

Lead Elder:

1.  One week before Communion Sunday:

a. Read and review instructions.

b. Contact the scheduled five (5) serving elders to confirm their availability.

2. The day before, purchase: one loaf of (whole wheat) sandwich bread (to make the cubes). Cut each sandwich bread slice into small uniform size cubes.  Round loaf will be available baked by Sofia or other commission members. Grape juice is in lower right hand kitchen cabinet.

3.  Day of Communion: Arrive at church no later than 9:00 a.m. to prepare the elements for communion.  Someone from the Worship-Music Commission will assist.



1.  All serving pieces are kept in labeled felt bags in the lower right hand kitchen cabinet in the small kitchen off the Narthex. They include:

6 trays – These serve 40 each for a total of 240 cups

1 tray base and one tray cover

2 round bread plates

1 additional bread plate

1 chalice

Linen napkins

Dispenser bottle

Disposal cups

2.  On a normal Sunday, 4 trays of grape juice are adequate. Fill them using the dispenser bottles. On Christmas and Easter, fill all six (6) trays.

3.  Fill the Chalice approximately 1/3 way and cover it with one of the smaller napkins. (Or a napkin folded in four.) 

4.  Arrange bread cubes on two plates with a napkin under and over the cubes.  Place round bread on third plate, cover with a napkin.

Arrangement on the Communion Table:

1.  Place a chair on either side of the communion table for the Pastor and the Elder of the Day (pulpit leader).

2.  Stack the 4 (or 6) trays on the right side of the table on the tray base and cover them with the tray cover.

3.  Place the Chalice in the center of the table closer to the chancel.

4.  Place the plate with the round bread in the center of the table.

5.  Place the two bread plates with the cubes to the left of center.

Serving Holy Communion:

Elders serving communion should arrive no later than 9:30 am. Upon arrival, check in with the Lead Elder and he/she will provide instructions and assignments.

Unless you are a member of the choir, sit on one of the two front pews, three Elders on each side of the center aisle.

The two elders sitting closest to the center aisle will serve the bread trays, beginning at the center aisle. The two Elders nearest the outside aisles will go immediately to the outside aisles to receive the trays as they are passed from the center.

The two remaining Elders will serve the juice trays, beginning in the center aisle, following the service of the bread (wait until 2 pews have been served with bread before beginning to serve the juice.) If you run out of cups of juice on your tray, return the empty tray to the communion table for a full tray.

**Check with Konni to see if Sunday School students will be participating in communion.

**If so, the Sunday School students/teachers will be served first.  They will proceed down the stairs and back to Commons.  Children will be instructed to take bread and juice and then discard the juice cup in a reciprocal held by an Elder.

Make sure the organist is served by leaving a cup and bread cube where he/she can reach it.

When all have been served, line up in pairs at the back of the church and return to the front - the bread servers first, followed by the juice servers, then the anchors.

The pastor will collect the trays and the Elders will be seated. The Pastor and the

Elder of the Day (Liturgist) will serve the serving Elders. The Lead Elder will then serve the Elder of the day and the Pastor (last).

Lead Elder will assist in covering the elements upon completion of communion.

After the Service:

1.  Provide count for the church records the number of people served. The easiest way is to count the filled cups that are left over when you clean-up and then subtract from the total. Each tray holds 40 cups.

2.  Record the number served on the ushers tally slip, and give number to the Clerk of Session for the record.

3.  Clean–up.

Remove all used cups from the pews and throw in the trash.

Return the two chairs to the Narthex.

Wash all silver pieces with soap and water, and dry thoroughly. Store the silver in the proper labeled felt bags.

Refill the trays with empty disposal cups.

Return all items back to the kitchen cabinet.

        Give the napkins to Sofia.  She will wash and return.


Communion Elements:

The elements of Communion Service have been consecrated. They are sacred and for this reason, disposal of leftover elements is not casual. You may dispose of the bread by scattering it for the birds either at church or home. Take leftover juice home.

The Worship–Music Commission appreciates your service today. We hope the

experience has enriched you in your role as Elder for St. Matthew.



Special; Services


  • Set up Saturday at 4:00 (DeJongs, Pfennig, Karen Brown, Hammers, Meyer)
  • Tablecloths (received from Karen)
  • Pumpkin w/Happy Thanksgiving (Karen)
  • Gourds (Meyer) - done
  • extra paper soup bowls (Meyer)
  • extra plastic soup spoons (Meyer)
  • apple juice and extra soda’s (Meyer) – Frank can bring some soda/lemonade in case we need it.
  • paper and Styrofoam cups (Glenda)
  • coffee set-up (Johnson’s)

  • Be at church at 9:30 to receive food in Commons (Jeanne, Frank)

  • Set food out at 10:30 (Karen, Jeanne, Frank)

  • MUM canned collection - John Hein

  • Notice in Bulletin (Jeanne) – done


  • Member of commission sets up candle display for Service.


  • Sofia setting up Advent Wreath before November 30 service
  • Has lighter
  • Leslie to get candles

  • November 30 @ 2:00 decorate church (Meyer, Hammers, De Jongs, Hartley, Frank)

  • Poinsettia’s (Frank)

  • 2 persons to serve communion at Christmas Eve service at 7:30 PM (Frank)


Decorating Sanctuary

Where to find them in storage:

Advent Candles & Candle Holders:

Purple & White: Hammer’s Basement, (white book base, bottom shelf left)

Narthex Nativity Wall Hangings: Hammer’s

Sanctuary decorations:

Glass Globes: Furnace room cabinet, Sanctuary Bldg.

Pillar Candles: Hammer’s basement, (white book case, bottom shelf left)

Greenery: Holly, Variegated Holly Picks: Secretary’s ofc. closet.

Garlands, Poinsettias and Small Picks: Sunday School Room Closet

3 Christmas Trees: Janitor’s Closet off the Narthex. (Temporarily.)


The wreaths are located in the closet by the stairs, right side in a black plastic bag or just as is. OR look in the far corner on the left side. The smaller wreath fits inside the large, and the 4 candle holders are placed between the wreaths. The 5th goes in the middle on an elevation of sorts. (A mirrored planter or similar.)

Decorating the Sanctuary: Garlands with wound mini-lights in swags along both walls. OBS: The longest of the swags go on the organ-side wall.

Poinsettias, red and white, arranged on/around the base of the “pillars,”3 arrangements total each side. No base material necessary.

The glass globe, each with a tall candle go on the ledges, 3 between each pillar. Place a pine bough close to the base of globe/each side.

If fresh pointsettias/hydrangeas/azaleas are available, arrange them on the steps and on the walls either side of the pulpit. If possible put some on the landing in front of the 3 trees.

A large wreath with a red bow is hung on the organ-pipes.

The Balcony: The largest wreath with a red bow (from the top of the wreath) is hung over the balcony, fastened to rocks on the floor. Make sure the wreath is centered (as seen from the outside.)

The Landing:  Of the three trees, the center tree gets decorated by the Sunday school. Arrange plants in front of the trees. Be sure the plants don’t obscure the access to where the X-mas lights get plugged in.

The Narthex: Three panels are hung on cup-hooks, spaced evenly to the right of the Church Banner.

A wreath is placed in each window.




Sunday Service Registration

Evacuation Procedure

St Matthew Presbyterian Church – Evacuation Procedures        2013

In the event of a fire or other catastrophic event the following evacuation procedures should be followed:

Step 1:  Upon the identification of an emergency, immediately call 911

REPORT - This is (YOUR Name) of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church, located at the intersection of Georgia Ave and Bel Pre Road.  

I want to report a:

1. Fire

2. Medical Emergency

3. Other

and request assistance.  (Stay on the phone if possible and help the 911 operator with other information of needs.)

Step 2:  Inform the congregation of the existence of an emergency.  Ask everyone to remain calm and follow the usher’s instructions

If an evacuation is necessary:

Step3:  Ask the choir to clear their area and to open the exit door adjacent to the choir area.

Step 4:  Open the exit door on the right side of the church (opposite the choir area).

Step 5:  There are three exits to be used from the sanctuary in the event of a necessary evacuation.

  1. People in the pulpit area and the people in the first three rows of pews should exit down the front steps closest to their side of the church (if this egress is not safe exit through the back through the nearest rear exit door).  Continue down the steps through the Narthex and out the lower doors and walk to the upper parking lot.  

  1. The people in the rest of the pews on the left side and the chair area should exit through the right exit door and down the Serpentine Walk and continue to the upper parking lot.

  1. The right side pews and the choir area should exit through the right exit door and continue to the upper parking lot.

  1. Do not use the staircase at the rear of the church

After exiting the building, everyone should assemble either in the upper parking lot so that all can be accounted for.  DO NOT move your car.  The parking lot must remain accessible to emergency vehicles.  Handicapped individuals who are unable to walk to the upper parking lot from the handicapped ramp on the left side of the sanctuary, should assemble at the base of the ramp.  

Sunday School Emergency

All teachers should note the fire exit doors in the building and be familiar with an evacuation plan posted by the door in each room.  If the exit from the room is unsafe, exit from the nearest safe doorway.

In the event of an emergency, it is the responsibility of the involved teacher or Sunday school superintendent to:

First:  Call to 911 and use the following script:

This is (YOUR Name) of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church, located at the intersection of Georgia Ave and Bel Pre Road.  I want to report a:

1. Fire

2. Medical Emergency

3. Other

and request assistance.  Stay on the phone if possible and help the 911 operator with other information of needs.

Second: In the event that an evacuation is needed, teachers should follow the plans posted in each room.

Third:  After exiting, all children and teachers must assemble in the upper parking lot.  Watch for responding equipment.

Fourth:  In the event that the emergency occurs during a service, the ushers should be informed as soon as convenient.

Fifth:  The ushers should inform the congregation of the emergency and ask the congregation not to go to the youth area.  The teachers will be responsible for the evacuation.  The congregation will also be asked not to move their cars and to watch for emergency vehicles.


        Presbyterian Woman

                The Mary Martha Circle is a component of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church Women as well as of Presbyterian Women (PW) of National Capital Presbytery and The Presbyterian Church USA.  The primary purposes of the Mary Martha Circle are: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, support the mission of the local, national and worldwide church and come together for fellowship.

All women of the church (members, friends, visitors) are invited to join us.  The Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month (from September to June) at 10:30 a.m. in the Agnes Wilson Room for Bible study, brief business and lunch.  Members bring their own lunch and, if they so wish, take turns leading a Bible study and provide beverage and dessert for the group at one monthly meeting .  

In 2016 the Mary Martha Circle had an active membership of 14 women with an average attendance of 8-10 at its monthly meetings.  These numbers do not include numerous St. Matthew women who participated in and supported special Mary Martha events during the year.

Major activities in 2016:

Bible Study: Concluded the Horizons 2015-2016  Bible Study Come to the Waters in May 2016 and began the  2016-2017 study of Who is Jesus?  What a difference a lens makes in September 2016.  

Rainbow Place: Continued our support of this shelter for homeless women by

  • Joining other church members in collecting sheets, blankets, towels, etc. for the women served by Rainbow Place.
  • Supporting the inclusion of $1,000 for Rainbow Place in the church’s annual budget.


Fellowship of Least Coin:  At each meeting Mary Martha members contribute their loose change to the Fellowship of  Least Coin, a national ecumenical project that provides grants to women around the world for activities that help them improve their health and welfare and that of their families. Our donation is added to that of Presbyterian Women’s (PW) groups of other National Capital Presbytery Churches and forwarded annually to the PCUSA headquarters for distribution.

Presbyterian Women (PW) Activities Within Our Presbytery and Beyond:  Mary Martha members did not participate in Presbytery activities in 2016 to the extent they have in previous years.  Several of our members have experienced ill health and only a few are able to drive to locations where these events take place.  Nevertheless, we keep abreast of PW activities via postal and electronic mail and participate as best we can. Tana Ngwira, who cannot attend Mary Martha meetings because she works, is the PW Leader of Cluster D (churches in our geographic vicinity), keeps us informed of PW activities and provides transportation for any of our members who are interested in attending events held on weekends.  Thanks Tana!

Ruth Burgos-Sasscer attended the 8th Gathering  of Hispana/Latina Presbyterian Women  in Dallas, Texas in July and shared the highlights of that PW national event with Mary Martha members.

Women of Faith Luncheon:  On Saturday, December 3, Mary Martha members, assisted by other enthusiastic St. Matthew women, hosted a potluck luncheon  with members of the Ahmadi Muslim Women’s Association of Silver Spring.  Several of the Ahmadi women brought children of various ages so the event became intergenerational and even more interesting and meaningful than expected.   Because there was an overflow of attendees (and not enough tables) we put a table cloth on the floor where a group of younger people – and our pastor, Leslie,  ate and chatted away.  We shared delicious food, common experiences , thoughts, and had a great time together.  The bonding that took place definitely inspired plans for future gatherings.  

Special Thank You! We want to thank our Pastor, Leslie Klingensmith, for her enthusiastic support of all Mary Martha Circle projects;  Konni Brantner, Director, Youth Education, for  her technical support and willingness to lead  at least one  Bible study lesson during the year; and Al Conner, church administrative assistant, for his indispensible assistance in so many ways.  




Policies – Absences, Leave, Etc.

Sexual Misconduct/harassment Policy

As an organization committed to developing strategies for the prevention of child abuse, the Session of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church (SMPC) is determined that any and all adults (employees and volunteers) who work with any child or children will be properly selected, screened, trained, and supervised to minimize the risk of child abuse.


The purpose of this policy is to prevent child abuse and protect members and staff of SMPC from wrongful allegations of child abuse, including sexual misconduct.  The policy is designed to protect both the potential victim and the potential accused person regarding the issue of abuse and sexual misconduct.


Sexual abuse or misconduct includes any sexual contact between:

A child or youth and an adult

An adult staff member and an adult church member

An older, more powerful youth or child and another less powerful child

Sexual abuse can take the form of verbal interaction for the purpose of sexual stimulation, fondling, intercourse, incest and the exposure to/exploitation of child pornography and prostitution.

Any form of these behaviors is always considered forced when the interaction involves a child (anyone under the age of 18) and an adult, regardless of whether the victim has consented.  There is no such thing as consensual sex with a minor.


Paid and volunteer adults and youth helpers shall not touch or interact with children or youth in any way that is intended to be sexually stimulating.  Care must be taken that consenting adults do not act in a sexually stimulating way during any church activity.  Common expressions of affection (hugs), affirmation (pat on the back), support (prayer), or physical care taking (diapering, etc.) are appropriate in this community of caring Christians.  Care must be taken that physical expressions of affection are not excessive or imposed upon another individual.  This is true between adults and children or between two adults.

For the protection of children against abuse and the protection of adult volunteers from allegations of abuse, there should be a minimum of two adults in charge of any program or activity.  SMPC’s policy is to have two adults present at all activities.  However, and adult may work alone when there is visual access to the classroom (window, door with a window, or an open door).

An unaccompanied adult should not drive a child to or from a church-sponsored activity without the permission of the child’s parent or guardian.  When practical, parental permission should be obtained in writing.  We recommend that children and youth be transported in groups rather than alone.

Volunteers for church activities involving children, including church school teachers, must be members of St. Matthew for at least six months prior to volunteering, unless otherwise approved by the Session or the Commission Chair responsible for the activity.  We will have procedures in place to protect the children from improper behavior and adults from baseless allegations. 


The Church school and youth programs are under the Supervision of the Program Commission.  In addition, leaders of SMPC activities will seek volunteers in sufficient numbers to allow staffing of the programs as stated above.  The staff of SMPC also participates in these programs and will be present at random times to help with supervision.  

Communication and explanation of this policy will be included annually in all training and orientation programs for education and youth volunteers, as well as during officer training events.  

This policy shall be made available to all church members and posted in the SMPC office.  A copy of the policy will be included in the New Member Packets.  The policy will be on the church’s website, and included in the church newsletter, with an explanation, once a year.

As a condition of employment and prior to any offer of employment, any staff member called and employed by SMPC after 10/1/97 will be required to state whether they have ever been convicted of a crime involving sexual abuse or misconduct or terminated from employment for sexual abuse or misconduct as defined in this policy.  All prospective employees of SMPC must undergo a background check into his/her arrest and Bureau of Vehicles records.  References will be asked specifically if the person seeking employment has ever been convicted of a crime involving sexual abuse or misconduct.

All employees are required to self-report any arrests, charges, and/or convictions related to controlled substances, sexual offenses, child abuse, or crimes of violence.  Failure to report would lead to disciplinary action up to and potentially including dismissal from employment.


The issues of sexual and /or emotional abuse or neglect involving a minor, whether perceived or actual, need to be dealt with immediately, effectively, and with great discretion.  Maryland law requires that allegations of abuse or neglect of children be reported immediately to the proper authorities.  In Montgomery County, that report is made to Child Protective Services at 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown, MD 20874 or at the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (240-777-4417).  It is the responsibility of the Pastor and/or the Director of Youth Education and Outreach to see that such a report has been made.  It is recommended that in every case of alleged abuse or neglect of a child that St. Matthew’s Administration Committee chair contact and involve our liability carrier, verify that Child Protective Services has been notified, and that the proper written documentation of the allegations and proceedings has been maintained.

The intended procedure is to report any allegation of abuse or neglect to the Pastor, Director of Youth Education and Outreach, and/or the Clerk of Session.  Any allegations will immediately be reported to Child Protective Services and National Capital Presbytery.  If the alleged offender is a professional staff member, the report should be made to the Clerk of Session.  In the specific case of the complaint being made against any ordained minister, the Clerk of Session should notify the General Presbyter and the Stated Clerk of National Capital Presbytery and request guidance on the procedure to be followed in processing the allegation and obtaining a Moderator for the Session.  The Clerk shall also notify the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk if allegations have been raised against a member or a non-ordained staff person.  

The Clerk, the Pastor and any other elders designated by the Session will be responsible for maintaining contact with the police, the victim’s family, and for determining further actions in consultation with the Session.

Adopted by the Session on_____________________

I have read and understand this policy.  I agree to abide by it.

Volunteer’s Name_____________________________________



Facility Usage/Calendar




Cancellation of Events

Security of Records

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